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The final work in the post production phase of the documentary Kiwis – Born to Fly was completed in the past week at Perspective Group. The completion of audio finishing work and the detailed final touches and treatments were recently completed almost eleven months to the day from when this documentary was a mere scribble on a napkin in a Matakana restaurant as an idea of a story that needed to be told.
In addition to this the start of a series of 30 second promotional spots that will appear on Sky Sport NZ in the coming weeks were finished and await final sign off for use. They will also appear on social outlets once cleared for use. The first promo spot features drivers while the second features just some of the crew members that appear within the documentary. The complete concept of Kiwis – Born to Fly is to highlight not only the great talents and skills New Zealand has within the greater NTT INDYCAR SERIES in terms of drivers but equally the many people in key positions amongst race teams highlighting the roles and the impact they have in the series. The fact they are all proudly New Zealanders and held in very high regard is a credit to whom they are and proudly represent New Zealand.
“I look back at it and it actually makes me feel very humble that all these guys gave and shared time with us during the shoot back in May” commented producer David Turner, “they all have such busy days ,the time they gave us to reflect their stories was amazing. This was always my goal to show this side of the sport and the respect they all have among their peers. It is something that we should all be very proud of as New Zealanders”.
The documentary will screen on Sky Sport in early September 2023. The confirmed date and time for the first screening by Sky NZ will be announced in the coming week. It is aimed to book end the same day coverage of the Portland event replay in what is the second to last NTT INDYCAR SERIES event of the season. Supporting presenting sponsors are Dayle ITM, Armstrong Motor Group, Toyota Gazoo Racing NZ, Creame Insurance, Giltrap Group, McElrea Racing and C& R Developments whom without assistance this documentary would not be possible.
Created in 2009 by former Television New Zealand Senior Motorsport Producer David Turner with the aim of sport and media production at any level. Turners credits have included Event Management and Television roles with Americas Cup campaigns in San Francisco and Bermuda , Head of Production for the Challenger of Record PRADA in New Zealand in 2021. Turner has also held roles with Olympic Broadcasting Services at all Olympic Games both summer and winter since London 2012 and is stated to be in a Senior Producer role for Paris 2024. Additionally roles for the Asian Broadcasting Union as a Producer of the multi channel coverage at Commonwealth Games for the past 14 years. Recently FIFA Films Producer for the Woman’s World Cup Qualifying Tournament in NZ. Domestically Perspective Group was the official production company for the NZ V8 Super Tourer series that played a part in the career of a young 19 year old Scott McLaughlin and covered the domestic V8 Championship series for many years. It now currently produces multi platform content and coverage for Western Springs Speedway in Auckland New Zealand with programming screening globally as well as on Sky Sport in NZ. Turner also stands on the board of Trustees for the Motorsport NZ Elite Academy and Scholarship Trust and has done for the past 14 years aiding the future development of over 160 young athletes within the sport to date.